Jack is sleeping in the castle tonight. He is dreaming about something but jack does not tell anybody about his dream. His dream just for himself. He is smiling on his bed. The bed is so soft. Anna is behind of bed and the fox is beside of the bed. They sleep in the same room and at the same time. Maybe they dream the same dream. This morning, they fell happy.

The sun is coming in front of the castle. The queen in front of the table. The breakfast will be ready. Jack will be eating with the queen. The queen has been waiting for Jack. Jack's room on the second floor. Jack and the fox will be coming down soon. In the breakfast's room, there are the queen and the giant tiger. The giant tiger always with the queen. The Man still on his room. The Man's room is far away from the breakfast's room. The queen always is patient for waiting. The queen rarely wakes up early. The queen wakes up early because she had a guest. The queen loves to wake up early anyway.

The queen is not like another queen. This queen still like playing and still like walking around to somewhere. When Jack has eaten the breakfast's food, the queen is asking Jack to walk around. Jack with a smile says yes. The queen is smiling then they are walking around the castle. This castle is beautiful and large. The castle was in here for long times ago. This castle was old but the queen still loved it until the last day of her life.

Jack realizes that there is no garden for Gnome on this castle. Maybe the queen can build on the garden for Gnome. The queen said that Gnome is real. Gnomes are not decoration. So, the queen is not made Gnomes for decoration. Jack is smiling then asking again to the queen about make it although only one. The queen said, “Maybe later, Jack”

Jack continues his walking with the queen. The Man does not follow because the Man had a job for to do. So, the queen is walking around with jack, the giant tiger, the fox, and with Anna. Anna always singing. Anna loves singing. Jack always love to hear Anna singing. While Anna singing, the voice is so nice. Her voice is music from nature.

They are arriving in the beautiful place. They reach the pool full of fish. The fish is so beautiful and a lot of. Jack with the queen sits side of the pool. The queen is giving food for the fishes. The fox just watching like Anna. The queen techs Jack how to give a food for fishes.

Fishes seem to happy when it get foods. Jack looks up to the sky. The sky seems happy to with this moment. The sky is so beautiful. Maybe if the sky had a mouth, they will be smiling like the queen. Jack wants to in here for a long time but he cannot because he must continue his journey. He must find a home and his family. -520 words


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