Ogre just sit down in the rock every day and every moment. Until he sees human or until he sees food for his stomach. Ogre just alone in middle of jungle. Ogre eat everything. Ogre eat fruit or eat meat. When the night come so then the ogre come to home to sleep until sun rise in the middle of mountains.
When the ogre nap in the bed. He never sleeps just lie down on the bad. He cannot sleep. Him eyes just open every night. And he does not know why. Him eyes looking roof for a long time and he did not know why he do that.
In his head. He thinking very so loudly about something. He thinking about his family. He loses all family very a long time ago. He never finds his family. Now the ogre just lives alone in the middle of jungle very quit and very silent. No one knows that is ogre in this jungle. The ogre just does not know that far away there is human village.
The ogre never can sleep until his heart intend to going to out from this house in the middle of jungle. His heart just very intends for go out to somewhere and looking another ogre. Now the ogre just sleeps very slowly and the night pass very quick.
Morning come to front ogre and he begin smile for first time in this day. In this right hand he holds the beater from rock for tool to guard if their enemy in outside. The ogre smile again for second time and he begins step go out from his house.
The ogre doesn’t have any friend he just alone for long time ago. And he never sad about that because he must strong front of the day. The ogre closes the door and he begin walk to somewhere. He still walks and sun become high and the ogre still walk while he smiles very brightly and he never stop in this road.
Until he sees rabbit in his nearby. The rabbit just standing in side of big tree. The rabbit just looking the ogre. And the rabbit does not run from the ogre. Then the ogre begins curious about that.
“Why you don’t run and why you looking me?” ask ogre to that rabbit.
“You look no danger for me,” said the rabbit.
“So then go away from here before I eat you,” said the ogre but the rabbit still in there for long time. And the ogre doesn’t know why.
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